Log Book For Mac

  1. Log Book For Car
  2. Log Book For Caregivers
  3. Log Book For Machine

Aether is a ham radio logging application for the Mac. Aether includes tools to quickly and easily log QSOs while on the air, as well as organize, search and track your QSOs later. Aether was designed for macOS, and has the same kind of clean, intuitive, friendly interface you've come to expect on the Mac. Subscriptions Logbook Pro Mobile (formerly Cloud Sync) Cloud Backup for Logbook Pro Desktop Airline Schedule Importer. Services Turn-Key Printing Service Turn-Key Follow-On Printing Service. Gift Certificates Gift Certificates. Binders Commander Series Full Size Series Premier Series Sport Series.

A couple of days ago, after a bit of a delay due to work, I was prepared to continue with my Big Sur logbook entries, but meanwhile Apple released a new beta, so that further delayed me. Before installing it, I took screenshots of all the System Preferences panes — it seemed an important place to focus my attention on, a place where changes and updates are very likely to happen. I forgot to take screenshots of Finder windows, though; but, going from memory, there doesn’t seem to be any noticeable change in their UI between the first and the second public beta.

Or should I say between Beta 4 and Beta 5, since apparently the latest beta version I’ve downloaded is Beta 5:

Log program for ham radio log books software category is a curation of 101 web resources on, AirHamLog - Online Amateur Radio Logbook, BKLog - log book and contest program, QRPPAL for Windows. Resources listed under Ham Radio Log Software category belongs to Software main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators.

Log book for caregivers

It was another chunky update, at 7.15 GB, and the first time I downloaded it, the download aborted and I got an error. Since I was trying to download it as soon as I learnt there was an update available, I figured that maybe Apple servers were busy and slow, so I postponed the operation. The day after, the download was very fast and completed successfully. The installation, on the other hand, took longer than the previous beta — around 50–55 minutes. The stage that took very long to complete was the Preparing Mac OS Big Sur Beta 5… just after download and before restarting the Mac. The progress bar appeared stuck for a while. But in these cases I usually let the Mac be, and sure enough things went smoothly, eventually.

Finder windows

This was the entry I meant to write before updating to Beta 5. My initial observations remain unchanged.


Let’s take a standard Finder window. I’ve set my viewing preferences just like on my production Macs running High Sierra (Sidebar, Path bar, and Status bar are visible; Toolbar is in “Icon Only” view; and the only customisation to the standard Toolbar is the addition of the Path and Dropbox buttons).

Finder window in Big Sur

As a general observation, I’d say that, now that I’m seeing this new UI in person, it bothers me less than when I saw it revealed at the WWDC 2020. I’m not entirely okay with it either, but now that I’m looking at it more attentively on a Mac I have before me, there are also little details I can appreciate.

For starters, I like the use of this unified symbol library Apple is developing. The new sidebar icons appear slightly smaller than their counterparts in previous Mac OS versions, but they’re nonetheless recognisable. I also like the colour differentiation between the icons in the ‘drives and devices’ section (Locations) and the icons in the Favourites section. The former remain dark grey, while the latter take the colour you specified in System PreferencesGeneralAccent colour.

The new design of the upper part of the Finder window — with the loss of a proper title area, the semaphore buttons that now are visually part of the sidebar (1), and the title that is now part of the toolbar (2) — is a mixed bag. Like other parts of the redesigned Big Sur user interface, it’s not that bad if you just look at it or interact with it superficially. But the more you stare at it and ponder, the more you find annoyances.

The new toolbar (2), for example, suffers from the same spacing problems as the menu bar. There is simply too much padding between icons. If you look at the screenshot above, you’ll see that I chose a somewhat typical window width, at least for a 13-inch display. But the toolbar is not entirely visible. If I want to make all the buttons visible, and avoid too much title truncation, I have to stretch the window to a size that (again, on a 13-inch display) takes up 95% of the screen’s width, leaving just enough Desktop space on the right side to see the drive icons.

With the ‘old style’ (pre-Big Sur) of Finder windows UI, this kind of spacing issue is absent, of course. On my 11-inch MacBook Air, I can have a Finder window that is less than half the whole screen’s width, and still see all the toolbar buttons, including Search, which on previous Mac OS versions is a whole text field instead of an expandable control.

Finder window in High Sierra

Another peculiar thing worth mentioning is what happens when you choose to view the toolbar as “Icon and Text” (FinderViewCustomise ToolbarShow: Icon and Text). In previous Mac OS versions (High Sierra in the picture below), since the toolbar extends across the whole window, when you choose to show icons and text for the toolbar buttons, the size of the buttons remains the same, and labels are placed beneath them. Finder windows become a little taller, but not wider, and you don’t lose anything usability-wise: no button disappears or gets reduced to accommodate the text beneath:

Toolbar: Icon Only view (High Sierra)

Toolbar: Icon and Text view (High Sierra)

In Big Sur, something interesting happens: to accommodate the labels beneath the buttons, the buttons become noticeably smaller, and one peculiar side-effect of this change is that you get to see more controls. In the picture below you can see that, after switching to Icon and Text view, the Action control becomes visible. While we’re here, also please note how unpleasantly crowded the left side becomes with the appearance of the “Back/Forward” text beneath the [<] and [>] buttons.

Toolbar: Icon Only view (Big Sur)

Toolbar: Icon and Text view (Big Sur)

I’m sure that, as you’re reading these notes, you may think I like splitting hairs and that I’m being unnecessarily fastidious. But making me aware of the finer details is something Apple itself has done over the years. This Finder window design, while superficially pretty, doesn’t feel completely thought out or optimised for different cases. It’s the same thing as the menu bar: there is a lot of wasted space between controls, and it seems designed to look good only in the best case scenario: relatively big retina screens (16-inch and above).

Look again at how smaller the toolbar controls become once we choose to display the labels beneath them. The targets become smaller too, and on a 13-inch retina screen you already have to pay attention whenever you want to click to select them. Imagine doing that on a 13-inch or an 11-inch non-retina screen. Add to this the poor contrast of the controls themselves, and you end up with quite a blurry and unpleasant interface. Finder window toolbars in Big Sur seems to be really optimised for an “Icon Only” setting.

And again, the new design of Finder windows in Big Sur seems to favour bigger screens with retina resolution even with regard to window management. To be able to see all your toolbar controls you have to widen each window to a considerable degree. On smaller screens windows end up taking more space than before, thus cluttering the Desktop unnecessarily and making simple drag & drop of files between windows more awkward.

Other minor details

Let’s get back to this figure:

Another change I’ve noticed is that, if you look at the sidebar, you can’t see other Macs with file sharing turned on that are present on the same network. In previous Mac OS versions they would usually appear in the area marked as (4). If you click on Network in the Locations section, then you can see them and connect to them; and once you’re connected to one or more of them and you mount one or more volumes, then you’ll be able to see the Mac’s name in Locations (3). I hope this is just temporary and that the old behaviour is restored, as it’s more efficient and practical (you see which Macs are available on the Network and you can connect to them with fewer clicks).

Log Book For Car

Another UI element I hope is just temporary is the big, dark handle to adjust icon size in Finder windows, located at the bottom right corner (5). It looks a bit cartoonish and I feel it attracts more attention than it should. Compare it with the more understated counterpart in previous Mac OS versions (see the High Sierra Finder windows screenshots above).

As a final note, I’d like to point out how small the difference between active and inactive windows has become under Big Sur. In contrast with previous Mac OS versions, now a window in active state (i.e. in focus) has a lighter appearance than an inactive window in the background. Overall, though, I think there’s enough differentiation to avoid confusion: the title bars/toolbars of inactive windows are very grey and low-contrast; the semaphore buttons in the top left corner lose their colour; and even the accented icons in the sidebar turn into a less vibrant hue compared with the active window’s sidebar icons.

Wrapping up

As I said above, the overall impression I’m having about Big Sur’s user interface is that it’s a mixed bag. From what I’ve seen so far, there are nice touches here and there, interspersed by oversights and even regressions (the largely inefficient use of space between controls and menus, both in the Mac’s menu bar and in the toolbar design within Finder windows). It seems that now how it looks (to stubbornly achieve a unified Mac OS/iPadOS interface) is more important than how it works.

Previous logbook entries

  • Ham Radio Deluxe 5
    HRD Ham Radio Deluxe v5 is a free Windows multi function software, includes logbook, CAT Control software for Elecraft, Kenwood, ICOM, Ten-Tec and Yaesu radios, rotor controls, digital mode rtx, rotor control, dx cluster client and many more features by HB9DRV. Ham Radio Deluxe V6 instead is a commercial product distributed by HRD Software LL
  • Ham Radio Deluxe 5.24.38 Download
    Download latest free version of the popular Ham Radio Deluxe 5. An amateur radio suite that includes Log program, remote radio control, DM780 a multimode decoder, mapping and rotor control tools. Latest free build is 5.24.38
  • Logger 32
    Free Windows Amateur Radio logging program written by Bob Furzer, K4CY the author of Zakanaka. Logger32 runs under all Windows versions.Logger32 has been developed to be a highly user configurable general purpose Amateur Radio logbook with computer control support for many radios and antenna rotators.
  • DXKeeper
    DXKeeper is a free application that logs QSOs, tracks award status, generates QSL cards & labels, addresses envelopes, uploads QSOs to eQSL.cc and LotW, and downloads progress info from eQSL.cc and LotW. It can reference the RAC, Hamcall, and QRZ callbooks as well as the QRZ.com web site to fill in data when logging, or to update already-logged QSOs. DXKeeper automatically interoperates with all members of the freeware DXLab Suite, including Commander (transceiver control and bandspread for Alinco, Elecraft, FlexRadio, Icom, Kachina, Kenwood, TenTec, Yaesu), DXView (world map, rotator control), WinWarbler (PSK, RTTY, CW, Phone) and SpotCollector (DX and WWV spots). It also interoperates with MMTTY, MMVARI, MMSSTV, MultiPSK, MixW, DX Atlas, and Ham Radio Deluxe.
  • Winlog 32
    Logging software designed solely for Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000. The Author G0CUZ provides this software free to use by all Radio Amateurs and SWL's in true Ham Spirit.
  • DX 4 Win
    DX4WIN is an easy to use, yet powerful logging program for every ham. It has been designed for the the serious and the casual DXer.
  • Amateur Contact Log
    AC Log by N3FJP is an easy to use Windows based general logging program by N3FJP. The program tracks your Worked All States, Worked All Counties, and Worked All Countries progress. Included is a database of counties and countries. Trial version available.
  • DXtreme software
    DXtreme Software produces powerful and easy-to-use logging applications for radio enthusiasts such asAmateur Radio operators, Shortwave DXers, Shortwave listeners, Broadcast band DXers, VLF DXers,VHF, UHF, and TV DXers
  • CQ Log
    CQLog is a powerful logging program for Windows. It provides a comprehensive control centre for everyday on-the-air activities, including: full-featured logging of QSOs; statistics for many awards (for LoTW and eQSL capability); support for QRZ, RAC, GOLIST databases. You can save up to 3 pictures for each SSTV-QSO. Two-way data exchange with MixW2, and DigiPan. Integrates with DX Atlas. Real-time upload of QSOs to eQSL.cc. The program also offers a 'contest-mode'; supports CAT systems for YAESU, ICOM, KENWOOD, Ten-Tec. Prints QSL cards, and QSL labels, addresses envelopes.
  • Swisslog
    SWISSLOG is a Freeware powerfull Logprogram for the sophisticated Ham. Due to its flexibility it covers all requirements. Run under Windows and support external devices, dx cluster, reporting and many features.
  • XMLOG freeware Logbook
    XMLog is an amateur radio logbook system for Windows and Windows NT.
  • Fastlog
    Fast and easy logger freeware by I0XGR , Alberto Guerra for windows
  • KLog
    KLog is free amateur radio logging software. Now including AZ,WAS,IOTA,DXCC & WPX awards tracking. Also ADIF import/export is supported.
  • 59+ Log
    Shareware logging tool for Windows. Very efficient, fast and easy to use. Support and development is discontinued.
  • AALog by RZ4AG
    AALog is a comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station operators. QRZ,Buckmaster,Flying Horse lookup, CW/RTTY/PSK31 support, Digital voice processor. DXCC,WAZ,P75P,WAS,JCC,WAJA,WAIP,IOTA,Russia tracking. Many other useful features. eQSL.cc compatible. It look like your paper log and use all power your PC
  • Journal
    FREE amateur radio logbook for Windows, Year 2000 compliant, Real-time or post-event>updated- CQLog is a powerful logging program for Windows. It provides a comprehensive control centre for everyday on-the-air activities, including: full-featured logging of QSOs; statistics for many awards (for LoTW and eQSL capability); support for QRZ, RAC, GOLIST databases. You can save up to 3 pictures for each SSTV-QSO. Two-way data exchange with MixW2, and DigiPan. Integrates with DX Atlas. Real-time upload of QSOs to eQSL.cc. The program also offers a 'contest-mode'; supports CAT systems for YAESU, ICOM, KENWOOD, Ten-Tec. Prints QSL cards, and QSL labels, addresses envelopes.
    [ Hits: 14209 | Votes: 129 | Rating: 7.7 ]
  • CQRLOG- Advanced ham radio Linux logger based on Firebird database. Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries, DX cluster connection, QRZ callbook, a grayliner, ON6DP QSL manager database support and a most accurate country resolution algorithm based on country tables developed by OK1RR. CQRLOG is strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance.
  • DirLog- DirLog is freeware CB 11 meters logbook available only to Alfa Tango Members
    [ Hits: 3408 | Votes: 392 | Rating: 7.57 ]
  • DX 4 Win- DX4WIN is an easy to use, yet powerful logging program for every ham. It has been designed for the the serious and the casual DXer.
  • DX Tracker- DX Tracker(tm) is a PC based amateur radio logging program. The program was created and is supported by Ed Lyons, KD6IET, and is constantly undergoing enhancements requested by its many users. The application has been used by amateur radio enthusiasts over the past 10 years, and many enhancements have been added to satisfy the radio amateur needs.
    [ Hits: 1896 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 7.5 ]
  • DXbase- Commercial amateur radio logging software for windows. Full featured logging, HF radio control, Internet Packet, VHF Packet, Label Designer, Report Designer, and a lot more.
  • DXBuddy- DX Buddy is a multi purpose ham radio application that let you control your radios, or controller, offer a logbook, cluster access, qrz lookups, and interface with several popular ham radio applications
    [ Hits: 1335 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 8 ]
  • DXKeeperpop- DXKeeper is a free application that logs QSOs, tracks award status, generates QSL cards & labels, addresses envelopes, uploads QSOs to eQSL.cc and LotW, and downloads progress info from eQSL.cc and LotW. It can reference the RAC, Hamcall, and QRZ callbooks as well as the QRZ.com web site to fill in data when logging, or to update already-logged QSOs. DXKeeper automatically interoperates with all members of the freeware DXLab Suite, including Commander (transceiver control and bandspread for Alinco, Elecraft, FlexRadio, Icom, Kachina, Kenwood, TenTec, Yaesu), DXView (world map, rotator control), WinWarbler (PSK, RTTY, CW, Phone) and SpotCollector (DX and WWV spots). It also interoperates with MMTTY, MMVARI, MMSSTV, MultiPSK, MixW, DX Atlas, and Ham Radio Deluxe.
  • DXtreme software- DXtreme Software produces powerful and easy-to-use logging applications for radio enthusiasts such asAmateur Radio operators, Shortwave DXers, Shortwave listeners, Broadcast band DXers, VLF DXers,VHF, UHF, and TV DXers
    [ Hits: 14417 | Votes: 16 | Rating: 8.12 ]
  • EA6DD WinLog- Win EA6DDlog free winows amateur radio logbook software in spanish offering cluster telnet connection, CAT interface via Omnirig, QSL management, QRZ and hmaqth connections
  • EasiLOG- Log For the Radio Amateur on all bands from 180 metres to 24GHz by G0MDO
    [ Hits: 4470 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 6.67 ]
  • Easylog- Easylog by microware software
  • Emergency Net Log- The ARES Emergency Net Log application is specifically designed for use by ARES Net Control Stations.
    [ Hits: 109 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • EZLog- Amateur radio log by WN3WVG
  • Fastlog- Fast and easy logger freeware by I0XGR , Alberto Guerra for windows
    [ Hits: 12225 | Votes: 10 | Rating: 6.7 ]
  • FDLog 2000- FDlog is a free windows Field day logging program in Danish
  • Field Day Logging Program- This program checks for duplicates (including partials), lists the sections (which change color when they have been worked), lists all contacts, writes ASCII log, dupe and summary files, and provides many current statistics by N3FJP
    [ Hits: 2564 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 8.6 ]
  • G8PUT Logbook- Windows Logbook, contest and award system available in free and paid version
  • Ham Log Book Program- Ham Log book is written in MS Access. A good logging program that is very easy to use by Kevin Rea K6REA
    [ Hits: 7576 | Votes: 21 | Rating: 7.62 ]
  • Ham Office- Professional multi funcion software for ham radio use. Mainlu a logging program with mapping functions, dx cluster module, label printing, award managements, exporting features and more. Currently only in german
  • Ham Radio Deluxe 5pop- HRD Ham Radio Deluxe v5 is a free Windows multi function software, includes logbook, CAT Control software for Elecraft, Kenwood, ICOM, Ten-Tec and Yaesu radios, rotor controls, digital mode rtx, rotor control, dx cluster client and many more features by HB9DRV. Ham Radio Deluxe V6 instead is a commercial product distributed by HRD Software LL
    [ Hits: 73991 | Votes: 167 | Rating: 6.57 ]
  • Ham Radio Deluxe 5.24.38 Downloadupdatedpop- Download latest free version of the popular Ham Radio Deluxe 5. An amateur radio suite that includes Log program, remote radio control, DM780 a multimode decoder, mapping and rotor control tools. Latest free build is 5.24.38
  • Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook- HRD Logbook v5 is a freeware windows logbook program that offer full control of your radio, Rotor control, support for many db engines, multiple logbook, dx cluster client interface, band maps and solar status report and audio recording
    [ Hits: 3092 | Votes: 14 | Rating: 4.79 ]
  • HAM-LCT- Freeware logbook program with many features, includes CAT system and database for yaesu Icom and kenwood rtx.This program is currently discontinued by the author who developed another ham log program for windows.
  • HAM-LOG by HB9CQV- This program is freeware for ham radio purpose only, multilingual german and english, self running, runs also from USB devices
    [ Hits: 2359 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 8.17 ]
  • Hamlog- A simple quick and easy to use Amatuer Log Book for windows
  • Journal- FREE amateur radio logbook for Windows, Year 2000 compliant, Real-time or post-event>pop- Free Windows Amateur Radio logging program written by Bob Furzer, K4CY the author of Zakanaka. Logger32 runs under all Windows versions.Logger32 has been developed to be a highly user configurable general purpose Amateur Radio logbook with computer control support for many radios and antenna rotators.
  • LogHX freeware logger software- LogHX is a freeware windows ham radio logger software, designed as complete Ham Radio environment. Radio control interface, online log book interfaces, cluster access, adif and cabrillo exports, antenna rotor control, Digital CW and SSB macros, full QSL management
    [ Hits: 407 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 9.5 ]
  • LOGic Ham Radio Software- Since 1989, LOGic has provided the amateur community with the ultimate in professional-grade ham radio logging software - the software with the most flexibility, the most features, and yet the easiest to use.
  • LOGvrr- Freeware logging software by Roberto IN3VRR featureing LogBook, CallBook & PacketCluster capabilities
    [ Hits: 2782 | Votes: 13 | Rating: 7.49 ]
  • Loki5ace- Log program for Amateur Radio Loki5ace
  • Lux-Log- Ham logging software capable of handling up to 30,000+ log-books using one database and one image copy, and many more features by Norbert Oberweis - LX1NO / KM6RY
    [ Hits: 3032 | Votes: 35 | Rating: 7.37 ]
  • M*Log- Features contest mode and powerful configuration & reporting options. Commercial
  • MicroLog by wa0h- Windows logging program by wa0h. US and Canadian callbooks are built into the cd version of the program.
    [ Hits: 1760 | Votes: 17 | Rating: 7.88 ]
  • miLog- Highly integrated Logging, DXing, Contesting and Station Control Software, commercial version, run under windows 2000 or higher.
  • Mini logbook- A neat free little tool to log your contacts. It automatically looks up previous contacts with recent call. Select text in MRP40 Rx- window. Auto insert that text into MiniLog via double click. By Polar Electric
    [ Hits: 1441 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 5 ]
  • Mircules HAM QuickLog- Mircules HAM QuickLog is HAM radio logging software for the iPad, for quick and easy HAM Logging.
  • MixW - Online QRZ.com Lookup dll- This add-in for MixW will automatically do a callsign lookup from qrz.com and fill select information into your MixW log entry. It also optionally checks to see if the station is a known LoTW user
    [ Hits: 983 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 4.33 ]
  • MobileLog - PocketPC Logging- MobileLog is a logging package for the PocketPC. It features DXCC reports, searching, alerts, and inport/export.
  • MobileLog Amateur Radio Mobile Logging- The MobileLog program is a specialty logging program designed for mobile amateur radio operators. It has been designed to allow quick entry of important information regarding QSOs. The software is primarily concerned with the logging of U.S. county information, which may be used to help work toward awards such as the USA-CA award for working all counties in the U.S.A. The data from this program may be imported into your general logging software. This sofware exports data in the ADIF (Amateur Data Interchange Format) and CSV (comma-seprated variable)
    [ Hits: 1275 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 4.33 ]
  • N7XG Logger- N7XG Logger is for any individual whether they are a Net Control Station or just a user checking into any of the 3905 Century Club Nets who needs to maintain accurate records about all aspects of particular net. Commercial windows software, by alpine software
  • OPCLOG- Personal logging program, support A.D.I.F export which makes it possible to produce custom QSL cards, by G0OPC
    [ Hits: 1785 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 8.44 ]
  • phpHamLog- Amateur radio open source log program written in PHP. Put your log online for visitors to browse in real time. Access your log from any web browse, can run under windows linux and macos with apache, mysql and php
  • Prolog2K- Commercial logging software for windows, with QSL route functions, logbook conversions, rig control and cluster support by Datamatrix
    [ Hits: 2365 | Votes: 17 | Rating: 7.6 ]
  • PyQSO- PyQSO is a Linux logging tool for amateur radio operators. It provides a simple graphical interface through which users can manage information about the contacts/QSOs they make with other operators on the air.
  • PZTLog- A free easy-to-use logging application with simple/quick entry of various QSO fields plus some additional features.
    [ Hits: 678 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • QRPPAL for Windows- Free QRP logging software by WB2QAP
  • R25Log- R25Log is an universal Log-Program, developed by active Hams for active Hams. Tested and proved in real QSO-operation, it combines all functions of conventional log-progams with a number of new features and a wealth of informations, input- and evaluation-possibilities. Freeware run in DOS Shell
    [ Hits: 1789 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • Radioman- Freeware dos VHF/UHF Logbook morse code facility, kenwood transceivers interface, moontracking, distance and bearing calculators by DF9CY but discontinued and unsupported
  • RodLog HAM radio logging system- A site about RodLog, a HAM Radio logging system to replace the paper logbook and allow fast searching and analysis of the data.
    [ Hits: 1185 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 6 ]
  • RoverLog- Free VHF/UHF/Microwave contest logging software for rovers and non-rovers - Runs under Linux, Windows, etc.
  • RYLogit- Freeware general purpose and contesting logging application, Scoring function for the IBM QSO Party with unique export format. Cabrillo export for non IBM contests includes formatting for NA QP, CQ WW DX, NA Sprint & CQ World-Wide WPX by W0RY
    [ Hits: 1062 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • Shacklog- Quality logging software for the Radio Amateur & SWL, real-time and post-event QSO logging,log analysis and reporting, QSL label printing, country status display, rig control, import of logs, interface to CallBook CD-ROMs
  • SQUIRL Field Day Logger Software- Squirl field day logger - a no-frills, easy to use software logger designed for field day logging operation. by KC8OPV
    [ Hits: 1019 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 7 ]
  • Swisslog- SWISSLOG is a Freeware powerfull Logprogram for the sophisticated Ham. Due to its flexibility it covers all requirements. Run under Windows and support external devices, dx cluster, reporting and many features.
  • SWL DQR Log- Free windows logbook program for SWLs, allow a quick and fast SWL logging during ham radio contests. Dupe check, utc time, partial check, cabrillo file export, multi language support
    [ Hits: 915 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • SWL Log Software- Logbook for SWL Satellite contacts with realtime upload on eQSL.cc and ClubLOG.Including DDE Tracking, Gridfile generation, statistics, ADIF Export, QSL Managing, Lookup on HamQTH and Satellite DX Cluster
  • TACLog- Free format input, User selectable usage of reports, counters for DXCCs, WWL, DOK/UK Counties/CQ/ITU/States/Provinces and more
    [ Hits: 1632 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 7.45 ]
  • TACLog- TAC Log by OZ2M is a VHF, UHF and SHF Contest log program
  • Turbo HamLog- Japanes only logging program that run under windows.
    [ Hits: 863 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • Turbolog- TurboLog is a station management and logging program for the discerning radio amateur / hamradio operator. Besides powerful database and logging functions there is a fully integrated support for the control of typical radio station equipment, e.g. Transceivers, Packet radio, Morse and voice keyer, Digital modes terminal, Antenna switching, Acoustic alerting, and more. Trial version available
  • TyQSL - Online Logbook- TyQSL is a modern Logbook by Hams, for Hams. A Place for other hams to take a look at your QSO statistics as well as search for QSOs in your Logbook that you made public. Just click onto your name in the Menu Bar when you are logged in to get to your public profile. Soma features includes Shows the users Valid CallsignsLook at QSO Statistics, Search Public Logbooks, Filters are avaliable to find QSOs fast Just share the Link on Social Media, QRZ, or Similar with other
    [ Hits: 175 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • UCXLog- Log and Contest Program, Windows based, network capability, CW via COM/LPT, SSB/RTTY via soundcard, trcvr-Steuerung (2TX for SO2R etc.), DX-cluster via packet, internet or telnet, statistics(DXCC, IOTA, locators...), log import/export, QSL card handling(printing tool), grey land map etc. etc. and freeware!
  • uLog- uLog (micro-log) is a windows log book program designed as an easy-to-use logbook application that offers just the basic fields for QSO entry by M0PZT
    [ Hits: 535 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • UR5FCM Log- UR5FCM Log a powerful Ham Logbook. It is a working center on radio station on daily realization of radio communications, and also, since version 1.1.61 new features of work in digital aspects of connection
  • URLog- Freeware easy to use amateur radio logging software with basic features.
    [ Hits: 1427 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 8.2 ]
  • VHF-DX- VHF-DX for Win95/98 is a VHF/UHF Logging Program specifically designed for 50MHz and above operation.
  • VQLog- VQLog is a shareware log-book program for Windows specially intended for HF or VHF-DX'ers and Satellite enthusiasts, and it is fully usable for ALL amateur bands from 0 KHz to 99 GHz
    [ Hits: 2119 | Votes: 14 | Rating: 7.89 ]
  • WD8LQB CountyLog- CountyLog windows amateur radio logging program. Log county contacts, export to ADIF, and access the Who's on the Air Database. Commercial version with free limited version availbale.
  • Win-EQF- Win-EQF* for Windows provides sophisticated logging and station control features in a flexible and straight-forward package
    [ Hits: 2309 | Votes: 15 | Rating: 7.67 ]
  • Win-Test contest logging software- Win-Test is a contest logging software compatible with all the operating systems Windows 32 bits without exception.All major international and many national contests are supported. Network TCP/IP capability, radios and CW interfaced, database-aided autocompletion, and much more...
  • Winlog 32pop- Logging software designed solely for Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000. The Author G0CUZ provides this software free to use by all Radio Amateurs and SWL's in true Ham Spirit.
    [ Hits: 25975 | Votes: 70 | Rating: 5.96 ]
  • Wireless Field Day Log Program- A reliable logging system for Field Day basedon wireless networking. Freeware, runs on macintosh, linux and windows
  • Wlod_log- Freeware CB DX logging program. Runs on Windows platform and require MS Access installed.
    [ Hits: 1824 | Votes: 14 | Rating: 5.72 ]
  • WLOG2000 LogBook for OM SWL BCL CB- Database logbook for OM SWL BCL & CB with utility like DXCLuster DXtelnet PSK PSK-Pbbs (TNC or PC sound card) radio rotor CDbook interface and many other features. Free Update at homepage.
  • WorkedGrids- WorkedGrids is a Windows application that displays a map showing the amateur radio grid squares contacted and logged in using a third-party logging program. WorkedGrids uses colors to display information on a per-band basis. Up to four bands can be displayed concurrentlyby VE2ZAZ Bert
    [ Hits: 1517 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • XMLOG freeware Logbook- XMLog is an amateur radio logbook system for Windows and Windows NT.
  • YeaLogger- Free ham radio logging software for Mac OS X by SM7YEA
    [ Hits: 1283 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 9.33 ]
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